(7) Bohadoon Bog, S243026.

There is parking for one car by the cattle grid. The bog is on the west side of the road and is probably the second best botanically rich bog of the Comeragh Mountains. Cranberry and Marsh Lousewort are rare in the bog while White Beak-sedge is common, the only county site for it. The dainty Pale Butterwort can be found scattered over the bog. Two subspecies of Early Marsh-orchid can be seen: subspecies pulchella with reddish-purple flowers and subspecies incarnata with pale pink flowers. The thin stiff stalks of Deergrass are common and the minute white flowers of Montia fontana subspecies amporitana can be seen amongst the cushion of their tiny green leaves on the margin of a small stream near the north side of the bog. At the bottom of the slope Lemon-scented Fern can be found on the banks of the Araglin River.