(12) Cunnigar (An Coinigéar), X273896.

A long narrow dune stretching for over 2½km across Dungarvan Harbour. Dwarf Cherry is common on the cliff at the back of the car park. A brackish pond has Sea Club-rush growing along the margin and Common Spotted-orchid is frequent in the grass. Lesser Chickweed and Sea Mouse-ear are found in the short sandy turf and Knotted Pearlwort in the damper areas. Ray’s Knotgrass is found at the top of the beach above the high tide mark with Sea Sandwort. Sharp Rush is abundant, towering above the other vegetation. There are a few bushes of Short-styled Field-rose in the hedge behind the dunes. Parsley Water-dropwort hides amongst the rushes in the brackish marsh before it becomes a saltmarsh; here Sea-purslane is the dominant species. Pyramidal Orchids are plentiful amongst the Marram. Yellow Horned-poppy is found on the shingle in small numbers. Slender Thistle likes the areas disturbed by the rabbits and Bulbous Buttercup is seen in the well-grazed areas.