(26) Saleen, S628004.
The car park over-looks the Back Strand and the north end of Tramore Burrow. Early in the morning before anyone is around is a good time to see Otters alone the shoreline. Walking south along the sand there are small patches of Sea-milkwort and Saltmarsh Rush at the top of the beach. Colt’s-foot grows out of the face of the low cliff. After a short while there are the start of sand dunes. Burnet Rose is very common. There is a small damp area where Meadowsweet and the rare Meadow Fescue are found. Sea-holly and Sea Bindweed are found in small numbers and usually a few plants of Prickly Saltwort can be found above the high tide line. A track takes you up to the road, in the hedge of the track is found Rubus dentatifolius. Turn left when you join the road, Calystegia silvatica subspecies disjuncta grows in the roadside hedges. At the cross roads turn left, on the top of the field wall of this junction is found Caucasian-stonecrop. The road leads down to the car park.